River Guardians

River Guardians
Action Alert: Minneapolis needs bird-safe riverfront buildings! [CLOSED]

Minneapolis is about to adopt a new Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area ordinance to guide riverfront development for years to come. With your help, we can add a requirement for bird-safe buildings along the river's crucial migratory flyway >>.

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Action Alert: Invest in clean water & oppose the UHT concert venue [CLOSED]

Please take a moment to ask your legislators to SUPPORT investments to #FixThePipesMN and OPPOSE the controversial Upper Harbor Terminal concert venue >>

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Metro communities begin adopting new river protections

Metro-area cities and townships are beginning to adopt new baseline riverfront protections. Is your city is on the list of communities writing their ordinances this fall? Find out how you can shape river rules based on your community's values and priorities. One example: Minneapolis might require bird-safe measures for new riverfront construction, since migrating songbirds are especially vulnerable to collisions in cities on the Mississippi flyway.  >>

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Action Alert: Justice can't wait. Support police reform. [CLOSED]

As Minnesota legislators embark on a second special session, we're once again asking you to stand up for the voices of Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) by supporting the Minnesota Legislature's 19-member People of Color and Indigenous (POCI) Caucus justice reforms >>

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Action Alert: Pass a clean Environment Trust Fund Bill [CLOSED]

Tell your legislators to pass a standalone environment trust fund bill. >>

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Is Upper Harbor Terminal Minneapolis's best rebuilding idea?

Our concerns about state bonds for Upper Harbor Terminal are nothing new (see the video above from Fox 9 in late 2019). But in light of recent events, we're more concerned than ever. Is public funding for First Avenue's privately-operated concert venue at Upper Harbor Terminal still a priority for Minneapolis leaders? Learn more and take action now. >>

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Upcoming Events

This school year
In your classroom or outside
Thursday, January 16, 2025 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Saturday, January 18, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Rosemount Wildlife Preserve and North 20 Brewing, Rosemount