River Guardians

River Guardians
Take action: It's time to renew lottery money for the environment [CLOSED]


Since 1991, lottery money for the environment has provided approximately $875 million to nearly 1,800 projects around the state. But nothing lasts forever. Act now to keep the dedication of lottery proceeds to environmental projects from expiring.  >>

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Action alert: Oppose bills that would undermine aquifers and the MN Environmental Rights Act


A pair of bills have been introduced in the Legislature that could undermine local aquifer levels and undercut one of Minnesota’s bedrock environmental laws: the Minnesota Environmental Rights Act.  >>

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Action Alert: Support clean-water crops (SF 3711 and 3271) [CLOSED]


FMR's top two priorities for the 2022 legislative session are being considered in the Senate Agriculture and Rural Development Finance & Policy Committee on March 9. If your representative sits on this committee, please take a moment to send a quick message in support of these bills. >>

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Action Alert: Support clean-water crops [CLOSED]


FMR's top two priorities for the 2022 legislative session are each being considered in the House Agriculture Finance & Policy Committee on Monday, February 28. If your representative sits on this committee, please take a moment to send a quick message in support of these bills. >>

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Rare Maplewood grasslands one step closer to protection


As covered in several news outlets, Ramsey County is stepping back from its plans to develop a rare grassland bird haven. We're celebrating this win and advocating for the next logical step: permanent habitat protection. Ramsey County residents — please send a note to the county to express support for this special refuge.  >>

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Action Alert: Support ag-environment funds in the House Climate Caucus proposal [CLOSED]


On January 18, the Minnesota House Climate Action Caucus introduced an ambitious $1 billion Climate Action Plan that includes major new investments in three of FMR's top priorities for the 2022 Minnesota legislative session. Please take a moment to tell the governor, House and Senate that you support these investments. >>

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A billion dollars for climate action in Minnesota


The House Climate Action Caucus just released its 2022 Minnesota Climate Action Plan. Here's what's in it and how you can help make it a reality.  >>

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Upcoming Events

New date: February 15, 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
FMR's office, near Harriet Island in St. Paul
Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
This school year
In your classroom or outside