Watershed Protection

Watershed Protection
MPCA report: The Upper Mississippi's upstream crud

A new report from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency finds that the Upper Mississippi River from Grand Rapids to Brainerd is impaired with too much sediment. What can we do about it?  >>

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Study: human-made pollutants in remote, undeveloped lakes?

A recent story from Minnesota Public Radio shines a light on some unexpected (and unnerving) new findings. Even in Minnesota’s relatively remote and pristine lakes, researchers are finding human-made contaminants of concern.  >>


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Dust in the wind (spreads toxic algae)

Pristine lakes in remote parts of Minnesota — and around the country — are beginning to suffer from blooms of toxic algae, and scientists are piecing together a troubling answer as to why.  >>

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Potato fiasco turns even more rotten

According to new disclosures, an enormous scofflaw corporation is trying to skirt basic environmental regulations in order to make billions on ... potatoes.  >>

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Minneapolis parks are getting the wrong kind of blooms

The Parks Department is warning of potentially toxic algae blooms in some of Minneapolis's most-loved lakes. Here's what you need to know.  >>

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Caring for the river and one another this spring (2020)

We've pulled together ideas about how to celebrate Earth Day all month for supporters like you to act on your values and enjoy moments of positive impact during this tough time. So whether you're up for advocating online, collecting litter or you just need a moment to be still and witness the migrating birds, we look forward to celebrating Earth Month with you — separately, but together.  >>

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Picking up trash on a local walk (solo and wearing gloves)
Nutrients down(ish), salts up in U.S. rivers

A new report from the U.S. Geological Survey has found some disturbing — but uneven — trends in American rivers over the last generation.  >>

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Upcoming Events

Three options: August 15, September 17, October 5, 2024
Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul
Thursday, September 26, 2024 - 6:00pm
Nicollet Island Pavilion, Minneapolis
Friday, September 27, 2024 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Vermillion River Linear Park, Hastings