Watershed Protection

Watershed Protection
Nutrients down(ish), salts up in U.S. rivers


A new report from the U.S. Geological Survey has found some disturbing — but uneven — trends in American rivers over the last generation.  >>

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Soil isn't a dirt-y word


You know it when you smell it — good soil is healthy! Here's an explainer for how soil organic matter can make a difference for plants, animals and downstream neighbors.  >>

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Join the fight to protect landmark environmental law


The Trump Administration announced proposed changes that would severely undermine the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) – a decades-old law that ensures thorough scientific review and public participation in major environmental projects. >>

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KSTP TV: Ford site cleanup ‘top priority’ for neighbors [video]


Our river corridor director Colleen O'Connor Toberman gave KSTP reporters a tour of Ford Area C to explain why so many in the metro area are calling for thorough cleanup of the toxic riverfront dump site.  >>

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Why rivers flood


Community water supplies at risk. Sediment and pollutants washing downstream. Catastrophic floods right around the corner — A recent Star Tribune article reminds us of the growing threat high flows and erosion pose for the Minnesota River — and the toll that takes on our waters and communities.  >>

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State names cities to be protected by Groundwater Protection Rule


The Minnesota Department of Agriculture has reached a major milestone by identifying which communities are eligible for protection under the state’s new Groundwater Protection Rule.  >>

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Projected $1.3B state surplus could be good news for clean water


In a delightful bit of news, the State of Minnesota’s December 2019 budget forecast estimates a $1.3 billion preliminary budget surplus for 2020. 

While sure to ignite debates regarding both new investments and planned tax cuts during the 2020 Legislative session, this could bode well for much-needed clean water funding. >>

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