Harmful blue-green algae blooms can shut down popular beaches, sicken animals and negatively impact water quality. >>
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Dedicated volunteers have been monitoring stream health in the Rice Creek Watershed District since 2006. Their findings, presented to decision-makers each year, help determine the watershed's future and shape policy to protect streams. Find out more and consider joining us as we get ready for the 2022 season. >>
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FMR is on the lookout for a team-oriented writer and content creator who relishes the thought of inspiring people to celebrate and take action to protect and restore our metro Mississippi River. A knack for compelling storytelling is a must, as is the ability to work quickly and efficiently in a fast-paced environment. >>
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In September, the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board approved a pilot project that will — for the first time — assess the climate impacts of some of Minnesota’s largest projects. Here’s what this long-overdue decision means for Minnesota’s efforts to address climate impacts on our environment, including the Mississippi River. >>
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