Watershed Protection

Watershed Protection
Stream Health Evaluation Program starts its 16th year

Dedicated volunteers have been monitoring stream health in the Rice Creek Watershed District since 2006. Their findings, presented to decision-makers each year, help determine the watershed's future and shape policy to protect streams. Find out more and consider joining us as we get ready for the 2022 season.  >>

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Position announcement: Communications Associate [closed]

FMR is on the lookout for a team-oriented writer and content creator who relishes the thought of inspiring people to celebrate and take action to protect and restore our metro Mississippi River. A knack for compelling storytelling is a must, as is the ability to work quickly and efficiently in a fast-paced environment. >>

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State announces new pilot program to include climate change in environmental review

In September, the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board approved a pilot project that will — for the first time — assess the climate impacts of some of Minnesota’s largest projects. Here’s what this long-overdue decision means for Minnesota’s efforts to address climate impacts on our environment, including the Mississippi River.  >>

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Why it's time for a new federal river program (MRRRI) that supports farmers

When it comes to agriculture, the proposed Mississippi River Restoration & Resilience Initiative would help farmers improve soil, enhance water quality, reduce nutrient loss and boost profitability — goals policymakers of all stripes should agree with.  >>

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2021 Gulf of Mexico dead zone far bigger than expected

The dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico is three times bigger than it "should" be. Here's what you can do to help restore balance to the Gulf and the Mississippi River.  >>

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Water crisis in Des Moines: Why does a river city need wells?

Des Moines has ample surface water from its two rivers, but contamination from upstream runoff has forced officials to start pivoting to a drastic new plan: drilling $30 million worth of wells.  >>

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Upcoming Events

Three options: August 15, September 17, October 5, 2024
Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul
Thursday, September 26, 2024 - 6:00pm
Nicollet Island Pavilion, Minneapolis
Friday, September 27, 2024 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Vermillion River Linear Park, Hastings