Minneapolis: Don't skip environmental review!

With 48 acres of city-owned riverfront, the Upper Harbor Terminal site in North Minneapolis presents a rare opportunity for equitable, creative, transformative community development.

Unfortunately, the city's plan falls short of this potential.

FMR has long advocated for a better approach. And we're thrilled to see more organizations speaking up against this project!

Recently, Community Members for Environmental Justice (CMEJ) and Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy (MCEA) launched a campaign to encourage the city to complete an environmental review before the city council votes on the plan — a step they'd been planning to bypass. (One of many of the current plan's faults.) 

As CMEJ and MCEA put it in their action alert: "Insisting on a vote without a completed environmental study would allow a decision to be made without full knowledge of all the impacts of the proposal; including environmental, economic, and sociological impacts to the Northside community."

Hear, hear!

Take action

We encourage River Guardians and others to sign and circulate CMEJ and MCEA's alert.

And, if you haven't already, we also recommend taking a few minutes to submit a personalized letter to the council (we've suggested a few talking points) by January 15th.

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