Protect the Environment & Natural Resources Trust Fund

In 1988, Minnesota voters approved a constitutional amendment dedicating lottery proceeds to protecting, conserving, preserving and enhancing "the state's air, water, land, fish, wildlife, and other natural resources." 

Since then, the fund (officially known as the Environment & Natural Resources Trust Fund or ENRTF) has supported over a thousand research and restoration projects in natural areas and communities throughout the state, including successful FMR habitat projects at Spring Lake Park ReserveHampton Woods and many other FMR restoration sites.

FMR has long supported this funding source alongside many environmental, natural resource and outdoor recreation groups. And Minnesota voters have renewed the amendment each time it's been on the ballot.

From advocating for the amendment's renewal at the ballot box to ensuring that legislators spend the trust fund in ways that honor the will of Minnesota's voters, FMR will continue to protect the fund for decades to come.

Protect the Environment & Natural Resources Trust Fund
Revised 2020 state budget outlook casts a shadow on environmental funding


A few months ago, Minnesota was looking at a sizable budget surplus. Now we've got a projected $2.4 billion deficit. What does that mean for clean water funding this legislative session?  >>

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This is not the time to bench MN's Environmental Trust Fund


It’s frustratingly familiar territory with a scary new twist: A recent attempt to raid the 2020 Environment Trust Fund threatens to cancel the entire $64M allocation this year — hurting all the research and habitat restoration projects and jobs it supports throughout the state. Let’s dive in. >>

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FMR signs on to coalition letter opposing the Senate environment bill


April 23, 2019 FMR joined 19 other organizations in formally opposing the Senate Environment Budget and Policy Omnibus Bill (SF 2314). Here's the letter we distributed on the Senate floor prior to the debate. >>

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Senate proposes major environmental rollback


The Minnesota Senate’s proposed environmental budget bill (SF 2314) makes crippling cuts to general fund spending for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (86% cut), Department of Natural Resources (17%) and Board of Water and Soil Resources (39%). And that’s not all. >>

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Environmental Trust Fund restored!


On March 5, Gov. Tim Walz signed bipartisan legislation to fix last year’s controversial use of Minnesota’s voter-approved Environment & Natural Resources Trust Fund. This is a win for taxpayers and our environment, and restoring the fund was a major priority for FMR this session. Here’s what happened. >>

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Why we initiated a lawsuit against the State of Minnesota


This week, FMR joined eight other conservation organizations in initiating a lawsuit against the state. It’s an unusual move for FMR, but an important one. Here’s why.  >>

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How our environment and the Mississippi River fared during the 2018 legislative session


While many of the most troubling bills and provisions were eventually defeated this Minnesota legislative session, a mixed bag of stand-alone items were passed and signed into law. ...And, oh yeah, the Legislature unnecessarily raided $98 million from the state’s voter-approved Environment & Natural Resources Trust Fund.. >>

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Upcoming Events

New date: February 15, 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
FMR's office, near Harriet Island in St. Paul
Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
Saturday, April 19 - 9:30 AM to Noon
West River Parkway and 36th Street/44th Street, Minneapolis