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In 1988, Minnesota voters approved a constitutional amendment dedicating lottery proceeds to protecting, conserving, preserving and enhancing "the state's air, water, land, fish, wildlife, and other natural resources."
Since then, the fund (officially known as the Environment & Natural Resources Trust Fund or ENRTF) has supported over a thousand research and restoration projects in natural areas and communities throughout the state, including successful FMR habitat projects at Spring Lake Park Reserve, Hampton Woods and many other FMR restoration sites.
FMR has long supported this funding source alongside many environmental, natural resource and outdoor recreation groups. And Minnesota voters have renewed the amendment each time it's been on the ballot.
From advocating for the amendment's renewal at the ballot box to ensuring that legislators spend the trust fund in ways that honor the will of Minnesota's voters, FMR will continue to protect the fund for decades to come.
Earlier this week, the Minnesota Senate's Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy Omnibus Bill includes some helpful provisions, but also includes cuts to state environmental agencies, a package of policy rollbacks, and a raid on a constitutionally dedicated environmental fund. >>
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