Invasive carp

Invasive carp
Where FMR's 2023 priorities stand at the Legislature


An overview of the progress we've made — and what still needs to happen — as we enter the final weeks of the session. Read more
Looking up at the iconic dome of the Capitol building in St. Paul, against a clear blue sky as backdrop. Text over the image says "FMR's priorities #MNLEG"
Star Tribune: Minnesotans ‘won't forgive today's officeholders for their inaction on invasive carp’


You should blame any future carp catastrophe on those who failed to act during this critical moment, outdoors columnist Dennis Anderson argues. Read more
A pile of sliver carp.
Why we need to act now against invasive carp


Sign our petition: Tell decision-makers to do their part to help prevent invasive carp from advancing further up the Mississippi River. Read more
A mass of sliver carp jumping high out of the water. Two carp researchers stand on a boat behind the jumping carp, holding nets.
River Guardians' impacts in 2022


In 2022, 1,225 River Guardians sent 2,974 letters to 166 decision-makers, significantly impacting our work towards a healthier, more resilient river community. Read more
Paddleboat on river with young angler
What MN election results mean for FMR’s 2023 legislative priorities


The 2022 elections are (mostly) behind us, meaning we have a clearer picture of how FMR's legislative priorities may fare. Read more
A person seen only from the waist down walks past a sign that says "Vote Here."
Time is running out to stop invasive carp


This spring a silver carp was recorded swimming 35 miles up Minnesota's Mississippi River in a single day. Across the state our news outlets helped highlight what's at risk for our waterways and why we need the DNR to act with more urgency.  >>

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Dam removal brings "river giants" back to Minnesota waterways


A recent Star Tribune article celebrated the return of paddlefish, sturgeon and other river species as a result of dam removal projects across the state. Could this kind of restoration be possible for the metro Mississippi?  >>

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Upcoming Events

New date: February 15, 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
FMR's office, near Harriet Island in St. Paul
Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
Saturday, April 19 - 9:30 AM to Noon
West River Parkway and 36th Street/44th Street, Minneapolis