Invasive carp

Invasive carp
Star Tribune spotlights need for action against invasive carp


Invasive carp present a growing threat to Minnesota waterways. A recent forum considered several strategies to stop their spread. We'll need to use all of them to protect the Mississippi River.  >>

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Invasive carp continue to pose threat


A recent invasive carp round-up on the Mississippi in southern Minnesota is a reminder that these fish pose an ongoing threat to Minnesota's waterways.  >>

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Minnesota to update invasive carp action plan


A record catch of invasive carp in the Mississippi River in southern Minnesota has raised concerns about the species' spread upriver. How is Minnesota responding?  >>

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Good news, bad news in the fight to stop invasive carp (2019)


A new deterrent system installed 50 miles north of our border with Iowa is a promising effort to stop invasive carp in Minnesota. But a dozen invasive carp were found in the Mississippi and St. Croix rivers this year, further evidence that these destructive fish are growing in numbers in our state. Can we stop them before it's too late?  >>

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Good news, bad news in the fight to stop invasive carp (2015)


The closing of Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock is good news for Minnesotans. It will help ensure that invasive carp are not able to migrate upstream of downtown Minneapolis. Unfortunately, last week’s good news for the Mississippi was mired by the bad news about Bighead carp arriving in bigger numbers in the St. Croix River as far north as Stillwater. >>

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The Stop Carp Coalition Minneapolis Lock Party.
Good news and bad news on invasive carp (2013)


First the good news: Rep. Keith Ellison had succeeded in adding language to a larger water resources bill that would close Upper St. Anthony Falls lock. 

Now the bad: Another silver carp (one of four species of invasive carp) was found in Minnesota last month – further north than the one found a little over a year ago near Winona. >>


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Invasive carp detected above Coon Rapids Dam (2011)


Traces of DNA from silver carp (above) were recently detected farther upriver than many experts expected. >>

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