Legislative Updates

FMR is proud to be a leading voice in protecting the Mississippi River and all the people and wildlife who depend on it. 

Join us! Sign up to be a River Guardian to receive email action alerts when the river needs your help, plus invitations to educational happy hours and other events.

Legislative Updates
How River Guardians helped us reach a clean-water crops milestone
The official launch of this market development grant program is the culmination of a yearlong effort. Read more
Two packets of food snacks made with clean-water crops sit on a table in the foreground. In the blurred background, you can make out warehouse shelves and individuals talking.
Sign the petition: It's time for MN to salt smart for the river
Salt pollution is a serious issue for our waters. Let decision-makers know you support both safe communities and a healthier river. Read more
A red snow plow applying salt while traveling down a snowy road.
Our 2023 legislative priorities
From clean-water crops to invasive carp, here's a rundown of what we hope to accomplish at the Capitol. Read more
The top of the Minnesota Capitol building in St. Paul.
Why we need to act now against invasive carp
Sign our petition: Tell decision-makers to do their part to help prevent invasive carp from advancing further up the Mississippi River. Read more
A mass of sliver carp jumping high out of the water. Two carp researchers stand on a boat behind the jumping carp, holding nets.
River Guardians' impacts in 2022
In 2022, 1,225 River Guardians sent 2,974 letters to 166 decision-makers, significantly impacting our work towards a healthier, more resilient river community. Read more
Paddleboat on river with young angler
The cutoff wall: St. Anthony Falls' hidden hazard
The nearly 150-year old cutoff wall underneath St. Anthony Falls is a critical piece of infrastructure. But you wouldn't know it by how the wall is inspected and maintained. Read more
Water flows over the St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam on a sunny day.
What MN election results mean for FMR’s 2023 legislative priorities
The 2022 elections are (mostly) behind us, meaning we have a clearer picture of how FMR's legislative priorities may fare. Read more
A person seen only from the waist down walks past a sign that says "Vote Here."


Upcoming Events

Applications due Friday, May 3 by 5 p.m.
Virtual and in-person
Wednesday, May 8, 2024 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Hampton Woods Wildlife Management Area
Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Hastings Sand Coulee Scientific and Natural Area