Legislative Updates

FMR is proud to be a leading voice in protecting the Mississippi River and all the people and wildlife who depend on it. 

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Legislative Updates
River Guardians happy hour: Legislative session wrap-up

Join us Tuesday, June 27, 4:30 p.m. to raise a glass to a good fight at the Minnesota Legislature this session. We'll hear from FMR's Capitol Crew experts Trevor Russell and Leili Fatehi about the good, the bad and the ugly. We'll also report back and share the stats about FMR River Guardians' great advocacy throughout the session and give you a glimpse into upcoming advocacy opportunities to protect and restore the Mississippi River.

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FMR River Guardians
Where the Legislature stands on water & the environment in its final week

This 2017 Legislature has featured a series of sweeping assaults on our environment, including widespread rollbacks to bedrock environmental finance and policy positions that threaten to undermine water quality and river health throughout the state. Here's where things stand.

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Gov. Dayton vetoes awful environmental bill! (But another is on the way.)

Friday, May 12, Gov. Mark Dayton vetoed a historically bad omnibus environment bill. It sought to give polluters the right to write their own environmental impact statements, slashed funding for environmental agencies and even prevented cities from banning plastic bags. In short, it threatened to undermine Minnesota’s long tradition of protecting the water we drink and the air we breathe. 

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Stand with FMR at the Governor's Residence - May 15, 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Come show your support for clean water! Join us in front of the Governor’s Residence at 1006 Summit Avenue, St. Paul. Feel free to bring signs, family and friends. But please RSVP if you can!

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Clean water advocates remind Gov. Dayton to stay strong at the Governor's Residence.
Dennis Anderson (Star Tribune): Separating fact from fiction about Minnesota's buffer law

Dennis Anderson, the longtime outdoors columnist for the Star Tribune: "Misinformation is rife about the state's buffer law, passed two years ago to clean up lakes and rivers, which requires farmers and other landowners to be in compliance with the statute by November."

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Star Tribune op-ed: Major state companies need to disavow Chamber's harmful environmental agenda

A commentary in the May 5 Star Tribune co-authored by longtime FMR Board Member Peter Gove highlights major Minnesota companies that tout their environmental credentials while funding Chamber of Commerce legislation to roll back bedrock environmental protections for Minnesota's lands and waters. ​

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Legislation to undermine agency rulemaking adopted in State Government Finance Conference Report

This week, the State Government Finance Conference Committee released its conference report which includes 30 pages of redundant, regressive, time-consuming, and expensive hurdles that agencies must go through in order to adopt or even propose rules to protect our environment, natural resources, health, and safety. These provisions were written by the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, which characterizes them as "streamlining" the agency process. The reality, however, is that this legislation will result in significant delays and administrative expenses.

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Upcoming Events

Applications due Friday, May 3 by 5 p.m.
Virtual and in-person
Wednesday, May 8, 2024 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Hampton Woods Wildlife Management Area
Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Hastings Sand Coulee Scientific and Natural Area