Upper Harbor Terminal

Upper Harbor Terminal
In the news: Upper Harbor Terminal planning committee resignations


Recent coverage of the seminal Upper Harbor Terminal riverfront project highlights the concerns of community members appointed to advise the large-scale Minneapolis riverfront project. Community newspaper the Northeaster not only covered the resignation of two committee members but published a letter from the committee's chair echoing their concerns: that the city is unnecessarily prioritizing real estate developers over community members. >>

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Upper Harbor Terminal featured on Fox 9: 'If you build it, will Beyoncé come?'


Who will the Upper Harbor Terminal redevelopment serve? Fox 9 News recently asked that question. FMR's Colleen O'Connor Toberman was interviewed alongside community members, elected officials, and the development team. >>

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Follow Upper Harbor Terminal on Twitter


If you're interested in following this important mile-long redevelopment of the North Minneapolis riverfront more closely, you're in luck! FMR has a special Twitter account just to share updates about the project. >>

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Why Upper Harbor Terminal matters


FMR continues to work with neighbors, community partners, and Minneapolis leaders around the redevelopment of Upper Harbor Terminal (UHT), and we continue to raise concerns with the city's concept plan. This is a natural outgrowth of our history in the area and our vision for a river for all. But we're often asked why we're so committed to and involved in the future of this particular site. Here's why UHT matters and what you can do.  >>

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'Once key to industry and transportation, Mississippi River poised for makeover in Minneapolis'


The riverfront north of St. Anthony Falls in Minneapolis is changing rapidly. In this Star Tribune feature, Janet Moore quickly covers this transformation through a transportation lens. It’s an excellent overview, and curious readers can learn more about this story here.  >>

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What's it like to walk to the river in North Minneapolis?


What's it like to walk to the river in Minneapolis? "Inspiring," "harsh" and "beautiful" were all words that neighbors used as we laced up our walking shoes and headed to the river on a warm fall evening. Check out the photos and step-by-step videos to experience what it's like to walk from the North Minneapolis residential area over Dowling and the interstate to Upper Harbor Terminal and the river! >>

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Action Alert: Oppose the redevelopment plan for the Upper Harbor Terminal [CLOSED]


Minneapolis residents, take action here. >> Read more


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