Upper Harbor Terminal

Upper Harbor Terminal
Can we just talk about this UHT concert stadium?


Minneapolis city leaders are proceeding as if the concert stadium at Upper Harbor Terminal is a done deal, but it's not. Rather than debating venue names, we need to discuss public subsidies, living-wage jobs, and how the community will benefit from this or any development at this important mile-long riverfront site. >>

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Residents say affordable housing critical at Upper Harbor Terminal


Community members are clear that truly affordable housing should be a key part of the Upper Harbor Terminal redevelopment. At one point an attendee asked, "How many of you are here because you or someone you care about is affected by the high cost of housing?" Nearly every hand in the room went up. We should expand the timeline to figure out this vital aspect of this riverfront redevelopment.  >>

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FMR voices concerns around Upper Harbor Terminal process


As we've watched recent Upper Harbor Terminal community engagement activities unfold, we've seen a rushed, confusing and inadequate process that's failing to center community vision. We've written a letter to the Minneapolis City Council and mayor outlining our concerns.  >>

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Reconnecting with the river: MPR and North News share North Minneapolis' river stories


Recently, two local media projects from MPR and North News highlighted North Minneapolis residents' relationships with water and our Big River. 

The MPR stories are a riveting listen, while the stunning North News issue is both a refreshing read and a graceful portrait of a community's multi-faceted relationship to the river. >>

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My reflections on the Upper Harbor Terminal community learning table


FMR River Corridor Director Colleen O'Connor Toberman recently attended the first Upper Harbor Terminal community learning table. Community members brought many concerns and ideas about this important and large-scale riverfront development in north Minneapolis (shown filling in with plant-life above). Now the question is how city leaders will respond. >>

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Upper Harbor Terminal - Where do we go from here?


Despite public opposition, the Minneapolis City Council approved the concept plan for the Upper Harbor Terminal (UHT) site in North Minneapolis. FMR continues to have many concerns and will stay engaged as planning progresses.  >>

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FMR opposes Upper Harbor Terminal plan, calls for more community engagement


The Minneapolis Upper Harbor Terminal site is key to improving the North Minneapolis riverfront. Done correctly, the redevelopment of this city-owned site can better connect residents with the river and be a model of sustainability and community wealth-building. So why would the city let private companies take the lead and reap the majority of benefits?   >>

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