
FMR works with public and private landowners, local government agencies and concerned community members — including thousands of volunteers — to protect and restore bluffs, prairies, forests and other lands important to our communities and the health of our metro Mississippi.

Here's what our conservation staff are currently working on and encountering in the field. 

Learn more about all our protection and restoration sites at our conservation map, as well as more information about our approach and program.

Conservation updates are also shared on social media (Facebook and Twitter) and in our Mississippi Messages newsletter.


Fisher spotted at FMR restoration site

One member of the weasel family, the fisher, is more commonly a denizen of Minnesota's north woods than our metro woodlands. Finding a fisher recently at Spring Lake Park Reserve in Dakota County was a rare treat.  >>

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Minnesota’s coveted native orchids
Though we certainly don’t live in a tropical climate, Minnesota is home to almost 50 native orchids. Read more
Calling all cameras: Citizen science for the Twin Cities Coyote and Fox Research Project

Coyotes and foxes are mostly secretive animals, but sightings of these species are becoming more and more common throughout the Twin Cities Metro Area. Now, a group of researchers and partner organizations (including FMR) are setting out to better understand how these critters use the urban environment, and maybe just dispel some myths along the way. You can help!  >>

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First buckthorn wreath-making workshop a success

For some in the do-it-yourself crowd, wreath-making has become a fun way to create holiday decor. This past December, FMR and two local artists put a unique spin on this DIY theme, hosting an open studio wreath-making event with one big twist… we used invasive buckthorn.  >>

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Goldenrod vs. ragweed: Which causes allergies and which benefits pollinators?
Each year, we get questions about whether goldenrod contributes to our late-summer allergies. The short answer: Most likely not, it's usually ragweed to blame. In fact, some goldenrod species are good for habitat restoration. Read more
A field of showy golden flowers is a common site in late summer, but is goldenrod to blame for our allergies?
Beautiful berries 'ecological traps' for birds
Each fall, two common invasive plants produce starkly colored berries. Both have little-known consequences for birds. Read more
A photo of a northern cardinal next to a close-up of honeysuckle berries.
How Minnesota almost lost its wild turkeys
Once on the brink of extinction in Minnesota and beyond, wild turkeys are now a common sight for Twin Cities and greater Minnesota residents alike. Read more
Wild turkey in the snow
Trick question: Which hazel is witch hazel?
This native shrub has one misleading name and some unusual characteristics. Read more
Leaves of witch hazel, still green in early October.
'Don't worry, I come in peace!' Meet the one-of-a-kind pelecinid wasp

Of the 18,000 species of ants, bees and wasps in North America, the pelecinid wasp is among the most interesting. This insect is so unusual it shares its family (Pelecinidae) with just three other species in the world, with no others in North America. But don't worry, that 'stinger' isn't what it looks like. >>

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'What’s it got in its pocketses?'

Fans of The Lord of the Rings will recognize this query of Gollum, the odd underworld creature, as he pondered the riddle of Bilbo’s pocket contents. This month's conservation star is also a creature of the underworld, seldom seen above ground. And like Gollum, these animals have a lead role in the world they inhabit. >>

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Upcoming Events

Tuesday, August 13 OR Thursday, September 12, 2024 - 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Dual Citizen Brewing, St. Paul
Flexible! Now through mid-October
St. Paul
Three options: August 15, September 17, October 5, 2024
Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul