Climate Change

What does our changing climate mean for the Mississippi River? And how is FMR working to curb emissions and create a more resilient river? Check out our latest updates on climate change and what we can do about it.

Climate Change
Restoring public oversight of major MPCA decisions


We all benefit from community oversight of the biggest, most important agency for pollution regulation in Minnesota. Read more
A flurry of hands in the air, fingers pointed up as if wanting to interject in an important conversation.
Our 2024 legislative priorities


It’s time to finish what we started. Here's what FMR will be working to accomplish at the Capitol this year. Read more
The dome of the Minnesota Capitol building, seen in front of an evening blue sky. Text says "MNLEG 2024."
The Atlantic takes on Minneapolis 2040


Because of our advocacy for climate-smart dense urban development, national magazine The Atlantic reached out to FMR Land Use & Planning Director Colleen O'Connor Toberman to get our perspective on Minneapolis 2040. Read more
Minneapolis skyline at night
How does FMR evaluate development plans?


What do we consider "good" development? FMR keeps tabs on riverfront development proposals and community response to them. Here's an overview of our process and the criteria we use to evaluate potential big changes to our river and its banks. Read more
Mississippi riverfront in Minneapolis with buildings, bridge and Pillsbury Flour sign
A bad idea that won't go away: Diverting the river


Despite its high environmental and economic costs, the literal "pipe dream" of diverting water from the Mississippi River to Arizona, Colorado and other dry states won't disappear. Read more
Outline of U.S. with Mississippi River, plus a pipeline splitting off the river to the Southwest
Minnesota's drought contributes to drinking water crisis downriver


In this Q&A, Matt Rota at Healthy Gulf in Louisiana talks with FMR about the saltwater intrusion in the Mississippi River threatening New Orleans' drinking water supply — and already impacting communities farther south. Read more
Army Corps boats construct a sill to prevent saltwater intrusion
Reflections on the recent youth & climate change ruling


A landmark decision for the first constitutional climate trial in the U.S. is about more than climate change. It's about considering the full impact of our actions today, and the power youth have to fight climate change in the courts — and win. Read more
Two young people hold a sign in the river gorge that reads "Protect our future"


Upcoming Events

New date: February 15, 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
FMR's office, near Harriet Island in St. Paul
Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
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