Climate Change

What does our changing climate mean for the Mississippi River? And how is FMR working to curb emissions and create a more resilient river? Check out our latest updates on climate change and what we can do about it.

Climate Change
Climate change, climate justice and FMR's Water program


Climate change has worsened river flooding and drinking water pollution, making FMR's water program work even more important for climate resilience, adaptation, and justice. Here are some reflections on how our Water program's work intersects with both climate change and climate justice.  >>

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FMR to MN Environmental Quality Board: Include climate change in environmental review


On Monday, FMR submitted written comments to the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board in support of their draft recommendations on integrating climate change into the state's environmental review process. Here's what we said.  >>

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Research roundup: Is cropland ag carbon sequestration as effective as we want it to be?


Storing greenhouse gases in cropland soils is all the rage these days, as Fortune 500 companies, conservation initiatives and even the Biden administration seek to reward farmers for sequestering carbon beneath our feet. But how sound is this approach? We pulled together some of the latest news about no-till farming, cover crops and how effectively these practices sequester carbon.  >>

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Minneapolis Parks for All plan open for comment


Through July 18, 2021, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board is seeking public comment on its draft Parks for All comprehensive plan, which will guide the park board for the next ten years. Review FMR's recommendations for the plan and learn how to submit your own.  >>

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Climate change means crops won't grow like they used to


A new study projects 30% reduction in profits for farmers in 50 years due to flooding, drought, rising temps and other impacts of climate change. Fortunately, cover crops, perennial grains and other innovations can weather climate change *and* reduce agricultural runoff for our river.  >>

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What's our deal with density?


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Public comment sought for new Pig's Eye islands


The Star Tribune recently covered the island-building project at Pig's Eye Lake in East Side St. Paul's riverfront park. As our executive director Whitney Clark stated in the article, FMR supports the project overall, and would also like to see project planners "really consider including climate-adaptive species and use this opportunity to understand more about habitat restoration in the era of climate change."  >>

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Upcoming Events

Saturday, April 19, 2025 - 9:30am to 12:00pm
West River Parkway and 36th Street/44th Street, Minneapolis
Saturday, April 19, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:30pm
MWMO, Northeast Minneapolis riverfront
Apply now for spring through summer program
Sites in Elk River, Hastings or Inver Grove Heights