Harmful blue-green algae blooms can shut down popular beaches, sicken animals and negatively impact water quality. >>
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What does our changing climate mean for the Mississippi River? And how is FMR working to curb emissions and create a more resilient river? Check out our latest updates on climate change and what we can do about it.
Our ecologists actively restore and maintain habitat at more than 30 sites across the metro region. But we're always looking for additional projects that can support wildlife, protect our water and increase climate resilience. In 2021, we added five new restoration projects totaling 273 acres to our restoration portfolio. >>
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On January 18, the Minnesota House Climate Action Caucus introduced an ambitious $1 billion Climate Action Plan that includes major new investments in three of FMR's top priorities for the 2022 Minnesota legislative session. Please take a moment to tell the governor, House and Senate that you support these investments. >>
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