In the Media

FMR is proud to serve as the voice for the Mississippi River and the people who care about it — at the Capitol, in our communities and in the media. Many thanks to the reporters who take the time to cover important river issues.

Northeaster ― August 3, 2021
by Mark Peterson
The Northeaster reports on a recent erosion control project at our Nicollet Island restoration, which will keep sediment from running into the Mississippi River.
Star Tribune ― July 23, 2021
by Susan Du
While city officials have opted to maintain ownership of the land beneath the publicly funded concert stadium, the controversial Upper Harbor Terminal redevelopment plan still doesn't go far enough. FMR Board Member Paul Bauknight is quoted.
Villager ― July 20, 2021
by Whitney Clark
The Mississippi River Restoration and Resilience Initiative Act introduced in June has broad support from organizations all along the river. We wrote about why.
Star Tribune ― July 16, 2021
by Shannon Prather
Ramsey County is eyeing a former golf course and two largely undeveloped sites for redevelopment near the St. Paul-Maplewood border. They're grappling with a big question: How can we create the housing the Twin Cities needs, while also preserving the homes of other species whose populations are collapsing? FMR River Corridor Director Colleen O'Connor Toberman says we can have both.
Pioneer Press ― June 28, 2021
by Frederick Melo
This article mentions our support of this island-building project that promises to restore habitat and begins in July.
Star Tribune ― June 27, 2021
by Greg Stanley
In this article, shortly before Rep. McCollum introduced the Mississippi River Restoration and Resilience Initiative to Congress, FMR's Executive Director Whitney Clark was quoted: "We need a coordinated, holistic approach, one that respects and supports local solutions.”
MinnPost ― June 24, 2021
by Greta Kaul
As MinnPost assesses the river's swimmability, they look to FMR's 2016 State of the River Report for clues on water quality.
The Villager ― June 22, 2021
by Frank Jossi
Before Opus canceled their plan, FMR supported Opus in revising early development proposals around stormwater drainage, setbacks from the bluff and the building’s height.
Star Tribune ― June 13, 2021
by Susan Du
The Minneapolis Park Board's vote around pesticide reduction came after two years of work by a technical advisory committee, in which FMR ecologist Alex Roth participated.
Star Tribune ― June 9, 2021
by Betty McCollum and Whitney Clark
FMR Executive Director Whitney Clark and Congresswoman Betty McCollum's commentary in the StarTribune says it’s time for Congress to make the same commitment to the Mississippi River as they have to Puget Sound, Chesapeake Bay, and the Everglades.
Pioneer Press ― May 31, 2021
by Nick Ferraro
A developer interested in creating senior housing on a river bluff in Lilydale has dropped their plan. In recounting the history of the project, the Pioneer Press cites FMR's article on its issues.
Pioneer Press ― April 11, 2021
by Nick Ferraro
Opus Development continues to pursue a plan for senior housing at this Lilydale river bluff site. This article mentions that in 2019, we advocated for better protection of the bluff and view; the developer revised their plans, doubling the setback from the bluff’s edge.
Mill City Times ― March 21, 2021
by Becky Fillinger
Mill City Times interviewed our new youth coordinator, Ashley, who enjoys "facilitating spaces for learning where everyone feels empowered to be both students and teachers, and finding ways to incorporate the arts and creativity."
The Hastings Journal ― March 9, 2021
by Bruce Karnick
FMR ecologist Alex Roth gave an update about our restoration progress at Vermillion River Linear Park, including info about the recent cedar and spruce shoreline stabilization project that will reduce erosion.
Star Tribune ― March 8, 2021
by Susan Du
Despite community and congressional opposition, the Army Corps of Engineers still plans to pursue divestment of the Upper St. Anthony Falls lock. This article notes our opposition to this plan. (The Star Tribune also published our follow-up letter.)


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