In the Media

FMR is proud to serve as the voice for the Mississippi River and the people who care about it — at the Capitol, in our communities and in the media. Many thanks to the reporters who take the time to cover important river issues.

North News ― February 25, 2021
by David Pierini
Community advocates recently secured a big victory: Minneapolis leaders committed to an environmental review of its riverfront Upper Harbor Terminal redevelopment plan before voting on the project. Colleen O’Connor Toberman, river corridor program director, wants the delay to create an opportunity for the plan to "respond to Northsiders first and foremost.”
The Stillwater Gazette ― February 19, 2021
by Angie Hong
The South Washington Watershed District, with whom we partner to restore habitat and improve water quality at parks in Cottage Grove and elsewhere, received the Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnership’s 2021 Organization Award.
The Star Tribune ― February 15, 2021
by Shannon Prather
The Ramsey County Board approved a plan to create islands in St. Paul's Pigs Eye Lake. We're optimistic about the project and its benefits for habitat.
The Villager ― January 5, 2021
by Casey Ek
Ever since it closed to navigation in 2015, the future of the Upper St. Anthony Falls lock and dam in downtown Minneapolis has been in question. As the Army Corps released their plan for its future, The Villager reached out to FMR about its merits and issues.
North News ― November 26, 2020
by David Pierini
This fall, three large murals have been traveling from yard to yard in North Minneapolis, hosted by residents concerned about the city's plan for redevelopment at the Upper Harbor Terminal site along the Mississippi River. A recent North News article quotes a resident, mural artist, and our river corridor director Colleen O'Connor Toberman.
Bring Me the News ― October 31, 2020
by Shaymus McLaughlin
FMR ecologist Alex Roth shares why Grey Cloud Dunes SNA's intact prairie is so special, and how volunteers can help steward the site.
Star Tribune ― October 28, 2020
by Miguel Otárola
Though the Upper Harbor Terminal redevelopment project secured funding from state bonding, questions about the project persist in North Minneapolis.
MinnPost ― October 11, 2020
by Solomon Gustavo
During the Army Corps of Engineers’ drawdown of the Mississippi by 12 feet at St. Anthony Falls, we answered some questions about the future of locks and dams in the Twin Cities.
Belt Magazine ― October 8, 2020
by Eamon Whalen
Whalen explores the history of disinvestment and racial disparities in Minneapolis and poses the question: Will Upper Harbor Terminal lead to real change? FMR's staff and board member share their concerns.
The Sun ― September 20, 2020
by Andy Rogers
We're thrilled that an FMR restoration site, a local woodland once choked with European buckthorn, now supports the rusty patched bumblebee, a federally endangered species.
Star Tribune ― August 31, 2020
by Shannon Prather
As our executive director Whitney Clark states in the article, FMR supports the island-building project at Pig's Eye Lake in East Side St. Paul's riverfront park overall. We would also like to see project planners "really consider including climate-adaptive species and use this opportunity to understand more about habitat restoration in the era of climate change."
MPR News ― August 30, 2020
by Kirsti Marohn
Minnesota farm operators will no longer be allowed to apply nitrogen fertilizer in the fall or on frozen ground above Minnesota’s most vulnerable aquifers. While that means cleaner drinking water for many Minnesotans, as FMR Water Program Director Trevor Russell notes in the article, this rule alone won't solve our nitrate pollution problems.
Star Tribune ― August 20, 2020
by Jennifer Bjorhus
Thanks to advocacy by FMR and its partners, new monitoring wells have been installed at Ford Area C. These wells will provide a better understanding of any hazards posed by this dumpsite on the floodplain.
Villager ― July 7, 2020
by Colleen O'Connor Toberman
In this letter to the editor, FMR's river corridor director notes that a planned solar array on top of the Ford Area C dumpsite sounds appealing, but poor timing for the solar project could jeopardize cleanup of the toxic site.
Northeaster ― May 18, 2020
by Alex Schlee
As our Nicollet Island restoration enters year three, the Northeaster notes the progress we've made with volunteer support. Dense buckthorn has now been replaced with a more diverse habitat. And we've even created educational plantings so parkgoers can learn more.


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