
Where FMR's priorities stand at the Legislature


FMR entered this unique 2022 legislative session with a slate of clear priorities. After a week-long break, lawmakers are heading back to the state capitol for the final legislative push. Now is a great time to take stock and take action. >>

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Take action: It's time to renew lottery money for the environment [CLOSED]


Since 1991, lottery money for the environment has provided approximately $875 million to nearly 1,800 projects around the state. But nothing lasts forever. Act now to keep the dedication of lottery proceeds to environmental projects from expiring.  >>

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Action alert: Oppose bills that would undermine aquifers and the MN Environmental Rights Act


A pair of bills have been introduced in the Legislature that could undermine local aquifer levels and undercut one of Minnesota’s bedrock environmental laws: the Minnesota Environmental Rights Act.  >>

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Action Alert: Support clean-water crops (SF 3711 and 3271) [CLOSED]


FMR's top two priorities for the 2022 legislative session are being considered in the Senate Agriculture and Rural Development Finance & Policy Committee on March 9. If your representative sits on this committee, please take a moment to send a quick message in support of these bills. >>

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Action Alert: Support clean-water crops [CLOSED]


FMR's top two priorities for the 2022 legislative session are each being considered in the House Agriculture Finance & Policy Committee on Monday, February 28. If your representative sits on this committee, please take a moment to send a quick message in support of these bills. >>

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Rare Maplewood grasslands one step closer to protection


As covered in several news outlets, Ramsey County is stepping back from its plans to develop a rare grassland bird haven. We're celebrating this win and advocating for the next logical step: permanent habitat protection. Ramsey County residents — please send a note to the county to express support for this special refuge.  >>

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Upcoming Events

New date: February 15, 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
FMR's office, near Harriet Island in St. Paul
Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
Saturday, March 8, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:30pm
MWMO, Northeast Minneapolis riverfront