Land Conservation

Land Conservation
Ramsey County considers three properties for redevelopment, conservation


The county is making plans for three properties on the east side of St. Paul: The site of a former juvenile correctional facility on undeveloped bluffland holding Dakota history; a golf course that's home to an endangered bumblebee; and a grassland where prairie birds flock. We've encouraged officials to inventory ecological resources and work with those studying the cultural resources before proceeding with planning.  >>

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New river access in Cottage Grove?


The former Mississippi Dunes golf course in Cottage Grove has amazing potential to be a new park, but its owners want to develop it into housing. You can weigh in to protect habitat and public river access at this special site.  >>

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Mississippi Dunes info session: A new park for Cottage Grove


Cottage Grove has an opportunity to protect part of the riverfront Mississippi Dunes, a former golf course. Learn more about this special place and how to get involved May 3, 5 p.m. >>

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Mississippi Dunes Info Session
Volunteer spotlight: Randy's dedication at Ole Olson Park


For Randy Miranda, volunteering every week to tend FMR's prairie restoration at Ole Olson Park near his home was a meditative way to give back and get through the pandemic. Here are Randy's reflections on why he volunteers and what we've accomplished together.  >>

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Cottage Grove Ravine Regional Park


A forested valley with 100-foot high slopes runs into Ravine Lake at this 515-acre park. We’ve been managing oak savanna and prairie habitat restoration here since 2012.  >>

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Two volunteers at Ravine Lake
Vermillion Falls Park


At the stunning waterfall after which this park is named, the Vermillion River drops 35 feet, then runs through limestone gorge and forest. We've been managing habitat restoration here since 2019. Find out what's special about this place.  >>

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Vermillion Falls Park
Why insects matter and what you can do about their decline


In the past few years, news of the decline of insect populations has raised alarm bells. Experts say the world is losing around 1 to 2 percent of its insects each year. By now, most people know pollinators are vital to making about a third of our food supply. But what about all the other insects — does this overall population decrease matter?  >>

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Upcoming Events

New date: February 15, 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
FMR's office, near Harriet Island in St. Paul
Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
Saturday, April 19 - 9:30 AM to Noon
West River Parkway and 36th Street/44th Street, Minneapolis