Land Conservation

Land Conservation
Nectar and ... blood? A surprising source of nutrients for butterflies
Our new pollinator biologist explains the phenomenon of butterfly puddling — sometimes on blood — and how we can make sure these insects get the nutrients and energy they need. Read more
Senior Ecologist Karen Schik retires after 23 years with FMR
FMR's senior ecologist Karen Schik's hard work helped protect and restore thousands of acres of important river habitat while strengthening community connections. Thank you, Karen! Read more
Karen Schik, smiling for the camera in front of the Mississippi River.
Thank you, summer 2023 interns!
Our summer interns supported FMR's conservation and education work, from bird, plant and monarch surveys to summer youth program facilitation. Here are their reflections and highlights. Read more
Annika in prairie, Ivy working on art, Riya by flowers, Brandon ice fishing, Holly in autumn woods
A new tool in our toolbox for buckthorn control: Critical period cutting
We're always looking for new and better ways to keep buckthorn from becoming dominant in our woodlands and forests. A new method we're trying in the Gorge shows promise and doesn't require power tools or herbicides. Read more
Volunteers work on buckthorn removal by the river
Settler's Island
In the Grey Cloud channel on a 3-acre island once thick with buckthorn, we're planting climate-adapted trees and native understory plants, increasing habitat resilience amidst climate change. You can visit via kayak or canoe! Read more
Volunteers with canoes on island
Riverside Park in St. Paul Park
Located along the backwaters of the Mississippi River, this 14-acre park hosts an array of native woodland plants and serves as an oasis along the Mississippi River flyway for migratory birds. Read more
Limestone edge along river
How FMR's priorities for the Mississippi River fared in the 2023 session
FMR made progress on every single one of its priorities this legislative session. Here's a roundup of everything that happened. Read more
A collage showing parts of five different photos, all from this legislative session: Two FMR staffers posing with fish postcards in the Capitol; an FMR staffer testifying at a May 1 hearing; A state senator posing with children following a hearing; legislators on a tour at the Forever Green Initiative facilities; printed papers with the FMR logo, shown with the Capitol building in the background.


Upcoming Events

Saturday, January 18, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Rosemount Wildlife Preserve and North 20 Brewing, Rosemount
Saturday, February 8, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
FMR's office, near Harriet Island in St. Paul
Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties