
Art from invasives: An interview with Kim and Emily


FMR volunteers Kimberly Boustead and Emily Sauer remove buckthorn, garlic mustard and more at our stewardship events. And they also use their creativity to spread awareness about how to stop the spread of invasive species. Read more about their favorite river spots, buckthorn berry ink and a new spin on the muscle tee.  >>

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Kim and Emily
Bird surveys reveal steady increases at FMR prairie restorations


Our land conservation team not only restores habitat, but monitors that habitat for wildlife data. After years of conducting breeding bird surveys at our prairie restoration sites, we can now see clear trends in increased number of species, especially species of greatest conservation need.  >>

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Henslow's Sparrow
Habitat in the city: the power of the single yard


Native plants are for the birds! A recent study shows chickadee populations decline in residential yards filled with non-native plants, meaning even your backyard can provide crucial habitat.  >>

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Black-capped chickadee on branch
Why do volunteers hand-collect seed for FMR?


What would you be willing to pay for a few teaspoons of prairie seed? Seeds from native prairie remnants that our volunteers collect by hand are priceless.  >>

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Native prairie seed harvested by hand
River Heights Park saved, restoration begins!


After hearing from dozens of community members (including many FMR River Guardians), the Inver Grove Heights city council unanimously voted to save River Heights Park on Monday, May 14. 

The council had been considering carving up and selling the 7.5-acre undeveloped natural area as three 2.5-acre lots for housing developers. Instead, the city, FMR and neighbors are going to work together to make the park more accessible — adding a park sign and bench, with details to be determined — while keeping it a natural area and restoring important bird habitat. >>

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Residents and River Guardians helped save this park!
Snapping turtle hatchlings protected from predators


Our wildlife cameras caught baby snapping turtles hatching in peace thanks to our new wildlife nest enclosure at Spring Lake Islands Wildlife Management Area. >>

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Baby snapping turtle
Restoring habitat on an urban island


After almost two years of planning, FMR is embarking on our Nicollet Island habitat restoration project designed to enhance wildlife habitat, control erosion and improve water quality.  >>

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FMR is beginning restoration and enhancement of the natural areas on the north half of Nicollet Island. Photo by MWMO.


Upcoming Events

New date: February 15, 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
FMR's office, near Harriet Island in St. Paul
Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
Saturday, April 19 - 9:30 AM to Noon
West River Parkway and 36th Street/44th Street, Minneapolis