Watershed Protection

Watershed Protection
Proposed federal river initiative in the news from headwaters to the gulf

As the story of the Mississippi as one of "America's Most Endangered Rivers" spread, dozens of journalists shined a spotlight on a potential solution: a proposed federal program to fund Mississippi River restoration and resilience projects from the headwaters to the gulf. >>

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What the lottery-backed environment fund has made possible for the Mississippi River
Vote YES to rededicate lottery funds to our great outdoors this fall. This fund has helped uncover the hidden risks of triclosan, restore 1,000+ acres of habitat, figure out the best way to deter invasive carp, advance clean-water crops and more. Read more
Pine Bend Bluffs SNA in the fall with a view of the river from bluffs
For the 2nd straight year, a major victory for the Clean Water Fund
Ongoing efforts to address Minnesota’s most pressing water quality challenges and opportunities. Read more
A couple of paddlers in a canoe on the Mississippi River, seen from high above. The shore is lined with golden and red trees.
Five things we learned from stream monitoring in 2023
Three teams of volunteers pulled hundreds of samples from streams in 2023, detailing insects and crustaceans present — a key to analyzing stream health over time. Here are five takeaways from our work. Read more
Person in waders samples a stream
EPA says state needs to clean up drinking water in SE Minnesota
In response to a petition we signed last spring, the federal agency is requiring Minnesota to address the public health crisis created by nitrate pollution. Read more
Drinking water glass
Video: How the 'big brown spot' pollutes the Mississippi River
When farm fields are bare, there’s nothing to stop soil, fertilizers and other farm chemicals from washing off into our rivers, lakes and streams. This "big brown spot" in the Midwest is by far the largest source of pollution to the Mississippi. Read more
Map of Midwest with brown over much of the area around the Mississippi River
Minnesota's drought contributes to drinking water crisis downriver
In this Q&A, Matt Rota at Healthy Gulf in Louisiana talks with FMR about the saltwater intrusion in the Mississippi River threatening New Orleans' drinking water supply — and already impacting communities farther south. Read more
Army Corps boats construct a sill to prevent saltwater intrusion


Upcoming Events

Three options: August 15, September 17, October 5, 2024
Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul
Thursday, September 26, 2024 - 6:00pm
Nicollet Island Pavilion, Minneapolis
Friday, September 27, 2024 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Vermillion River Linear Park, Hastings