During this month's State of the State Address, Governor Dayton expressed his displeasure with buffer opposition, saying he is "...unwilling to wait another year — or longer — for legislation that will significantly improve Minnesota’s water. While the Governor's buffer initiative presents an enormous opportunity to improve water quality and habitat in Minnesota, myths about the bill have proliferated in the halls of the capitol, often spread by opponents of the initiative. Read more
The 2015 legislative session moves into high gear this month, as a raft of policy and finance bills move toward the floor in the House and Senate. While buffers, Forever Green research, and a strong biofuels bill are reasons to smile, FMR is also working hard to defeat a series of assaults on clean water protections from the GOP-controlled House. Read more
Thank you to the 200+ people who attended “Clean Water Rules! Understanding the EPA’s Clean Water Act Update” with EPA administrator Gina McCarthy on April 7th. Participants learned about the importance of moving the EPA’s work to update the Clean Water Rule forward and what we can do to help in the process. Read more
In what is one of the most important water quality initiatives in decades, the Dayton Administration recently unveiled its detailed stream buffer proposal. The bills were introduced earlier this month and represent the first step in securing strong new protections for Minnesota's perennial watercourses. Read more