Forever Green

Forever Green
Introducing the Forever Green Partnership

Farming is the backbone of Minnesota's economy, but agricultural pollution has posed an unsolvable puzzle for decades. Now, with viable alternative crops on the horizon, a new coalition aims to flip the script and make it more profitable to be green.  >>

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Silphium and bee
Legislation to support Forever Green clean-water crops advances

The Forever Green Initiative is at an inflection point, making funding for progress on clean-water crops crucial this cycle. So far, legislation has advanced through key agricultural committees in both the House and Senate with bipartisan support. What's next?  >>

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Minnesota gets a bad report card for nitrate reduction (part two)

How do we get a better grade for nitrate pollution reduction? We have to change the mix of what we grow. In this follow-up, we explain why it isn't feasible to rely on incentive payments to farmers alone to move the needle on our water quality problems. And we offer an exciting solution that could improve water quality by AND sustain farmers' livelihoods.  >>

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State & Strib connect the dots between crops and water health

The Star Tribune recently covered a report that underscores the connection between water quality and the need to alter what we plant in Minnesota's farm fields. But this report wasn't issued by the usual suspects — now the state is actively calling for profitable clean-water crops.  >>

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Dead zone 2020: The good, the bad and the algae

A smaller-than-average Gulf of Mexico dead zone is cause for celebration — isn't it?  >>

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Bake for the river: Kernza in your kitchen

For the first time ever, home bakers can get their oven mitts on Kernza flour, a delicious and river-friendly perennial grain. Let us know if you try it out!  >>

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Why rivers flood

Community water supplies at risk. Sediment and pollutants washing downstream. Catastrophic floods right around the corner — A recent Star Tribune article reminds us of the growing threat high flows and erosion pose for the Minnesota River — and the toll that takes on our waters and communities.  >>

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Wednesday, December 11, 2024 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Friends of the Mississippi River office in St. Paul
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