
Become a community scientist


Scientists sometimes turn to the public to collect observations and data on flora and fauna. If you’re heading outside, why not take note of the wildlife and blooms you see? Here are a few of our favorite projects that call for community scientists.  >>

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Counting critters at Pine Bend Bluffs, our longest-running restoration


Over the last 20 years at Pine Bend Bluffs, we've converted a buckthorn forest to oak savanna and a Siberian elm canopy to prairie. Now we're monitoring the site to see how wildlife is responding. Read more
The abundant prairie: A William H. Houlton Conservation Area wildlife update


In just its second year, the restoration project at Houlton is yielding impressive wildlife gains: from 16 bumblebees in the first year to 575 now, from 15 kinds of butterflies to 25. These results show progress toward the thriving habitat we hoped to create.  >>

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The rusty patched bumblebee: What’s all the buzz about?


A lone male rusty patched bumblebee found in August at an FMR-restored savanna represents 0.2 percent of the known population worldwide. Necessary not only for native wildflower reproduction, but also for creating seeds and fruits that feed wildlife as diverse as songbirds and bears, our state bee could use your help. >>

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Ecological restoration: A practice in patience


In the world of ecological restoration, changes don't happen overnight. And sometimes, to create a thriving and diverse habitat for wildlife and for water quality, things get a little messier (or even uglier) before they get better. Read more
A good sign for habitat: Hastings high schoolers make their mark in the park


Vermillion River Linear Park is a 60-acre prairie in the heart of Hastings that FMR has worked with students for years to restore. These high school students wanted to make sure passersby knew about the boon to wildlife and water quality right in their backyard. >>

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How the Environment Bill fared this session


Overall, the legislative session resulted in modest additional funding for some of our top priorities while many of the worst provisions were dropped. Along with our allies, we are deeply grateful to the FMR River Guardians who consistently demonstrated their strong support for the river and healthy lands and waters for all Minnesota communities. Learn more about which FMR priorities made it, which did not, and where we go from here.  >>

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Upcoming Events

Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
Saturday, March 8, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:30pm
MWMO, Northeast Minneapolis riverfront
Saturday, April 19, 2025 - 9:30am to 12:00pm
West River Parkway and 36th Street/44th Street, Minneapolis