
FMR signs coalition letter supporting House environment bill


FMR joined 22 other organizations in a letter of support for the House Omnibus Environment Bill. In sharp contrast to the Senate's, the House bill reinstates the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Citizens' Board and makes a strong commitment to investing in our natural resources. Here’s the letter we distributed on the Senate floor prior to the debate. >>

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5 ways you can protect habitat and wildlife


Our river corridor’s prairies, wetlands and woodlands are home to thousands of species of wildlife. Here are five ways you can nurture and help protect their habitat. Read more
Ole Olson prairie with Minneapolis skyline in background
Habitat in the city: the power of the single yard


Native plants are for the birds! A recent study shows chickadee populations decline in residential yards filled with non-native plants, meaning even your backyard can provide crucial habitat.  >>

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Black-capped chickadee on branch
Skinks and pollinators returning to restored prairie


This summer, a new prairie is taking hold at Houlton Conservation Area, and we're excited to report back on its newest residents. >>

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Prairie skink
If you build it, will they come? Investigating whether restored habitat means more wildlife.


Since the creation of our land conservation program over 20 years ago, FMR has protected, restored or enhanced over a thousand acres of prairie, forest, wetland and other types of wildlife and pollinator habitat in the metro area. But does increasing native habitat result in the return of native animals?

Learn about bird surveys, wildlife cams and our work with local high schools to find out. >>

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A red fox ventures into an open, grassy area.
Blazing blooms!


July and August are the most flowerful months in our native prairies and wetlands. Enjoy a few of the beauties FMR ecologists have recently come across in their field work.

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Arrowhead flowers
Volunteers plant pollinator patches aplenty


What can a small planting of milkweed and other natives really do for pollinators? More than you might think. 

Hastings Environmental Protectors and FMR teamed up to create three new pollinator patches, helping to provide much-needed habitat for a variety of insect and pollinating species in the Vermillion and Mississippi river watersheds.


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An FMR Vermillion Stewards volunteer plants a pollinator patch.


Upcoming Events

Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
Saturday, March 8, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:30pm
MWMO, Northeast Minneapolis riverfront
Saturday, April 19, 2025 - 9:30am to 12:00pm
West River Parkway and 36th Street/44th Street, Minneapolis