River Guardians

River Guardians
Action Alert: Support POCI Caucus police and justice proposals [CLOSED]

In addition to our preexisting legislative priorities, FMR is following proposals from the Minnesota Legislature’s 19-member People of Color and Indigenous (POCI) Caucus. We urge you to to support them for a more equitable Minnesota.  >>

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Say 'Yes!' to Dakota County parks and natural areas

If you live in Dakota County or use and value its parks, you now have the opportunity (through July 3) to advocate for protecting and restoring additional parks, natural areas and greenways. Learn about and give the county a thumbs-up for their draft conservation plan.   >>

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The untold story of our national park's founding

You may know that the Mississippi River through the Twin Cities is a national park. But few of us know how our special river became a national park in the first place. We interviewed National Park Superintendent John Anfinson about the development proposal that started the fight to protect our park and the surprising role that this exact same site — the potential home for a new River Learning Center — could play in its future.  >>

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Action Alert: Support bonding for the River Learning Center [CLOSED]

With your support, the City of St. Paul could begin work on a new River Learning Center later this year. This special site would strengthen public access to the river and serve as a destination for the National Park Service, environmental learning, and recreation. >>

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Area C community meeting draws crowds and questions

At a recent community meeting, 150 residents gathered to hear about the history and future of Area C, the Ford Motor Company's hazardous waste pile sitting on the floodplain in St. Paul. Out of the many questions raised, one in particular didn't have a clear answer: Will anyone make Ford clean up its mess on the Mississippi River? >>

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What matters to our River Guardians in 2020

Thank you for taking our Legislative Priorities Survey! See which issues our River Guardians value and what they had to say about what Minnesota can do for our river this session. >>

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Ford Area C (video)

In this video, we take you to Ford Area C, Ford's toxic riverfront dumpsite in St. Paul. You’ll see the Mississippi lapping at the dumpsite’s edge. What pollution remains there? How much is leaching into our river? We still don’t know enough. >>

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Upcoming Events

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Rotary Pavilion at Levee Park, Hastings
Saturday, August 3, 2024 - 9:00am to 2:00pm
Mississippi River Gorge, Minneapolis
New date: Saturday, August 10, 2024 at 5 p.m.
Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul