Land Use & Planning

As more cities move to embrace the river and capitalize on its exceptional value, FMR works within metro river communities to advocate for public access, equity, environmental sustainability, and community enjoyment of the river. 

Here are the park plans and developments that our river corridor team has its eye on. Learn more about the program, how we evaluate development plans and all the places we work.

Development and land use updates are also shared on social (Facebook and Twitter) and in FMR's Mississippi Messages newsletter.

Join us! Sign up to be a River Guardian to receive email action alerts when we need your help the most, plus invitations to educational happy hours and other events.


Star Tribune highlights Upper Harbor dissent

The Star Tribune recently highlighted community dissent regarding the 1-mile riverfront redevelopment of Upper Harbor Terminal: a once-in-a-lifetime project that could dramatically impact North Minneapolis residents. >>

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Will we see more bird-friendly glass in the future?

Bird-safe building design is important in urban areas along major flyways like the Twin Cities. From bird deaths at the local U.S. Bank Stadium to new bird-safe guidelines in New York City, here's a summary of the latest news. >>

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Thank you, River Guardians!

Thank you, River Guardians! We deeply appreciate you advocating for clean water and sustainable and equitable development along the river this past year. >

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FMR weighs in on freeway expansion near river

A proposed redesign of Interstate 94 and Highway 252 through North Minneapolis, Brooklyn Center, and Brooklyn Park is raising questions for river lovers and environmental advocates. What's our stance? >>

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Solar on the Area C dumpsite? Sounds great ... at first

The redevelopment plan for the Ford site on St. Paul's river bluff calls for renewable energy. That sounds great, but a small part of the plan includes building a solar array on top of the Area C hazardous waste dump on the river floodplain. With the dump undergoing further study about risks and remediation, could adding infrastructure further complicate potential cleanup? >>

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In the news: Upper Harbor Terminal planning committee resignations

Recent coverage of the seminal Upper Harbor Terminal riverfront project highlights the concerns of community members appointed to advise the large-scale Minneapolis riverfront project. Community newspaper the Northeaster not only covered the resignation of two committee members but published a letter from the committee's chair echoing their concerns: that the city is unnecessarily prioritizing real estate developers over community members. >>

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Upper Harbor Terminal featured on Fox 9: 'If you build it, will Beyoncé come?'

Who will the Upper Harbor Terminal redevelopment serve? Fox 9 News recently asked that question. FMR's Colleen O'Connor Toberman was interviewed alongside community members, elected officials, and the development team. >>

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FMR helps secure new public land in St. Paul

When development plans for a unique site on the St. Paul riverfront jeopardized public access, FMR advocated for a better plan. The Waterford Bay project at Island Station now includes new public shoreline and trails. >>

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Follow Upper Harbor Terminal on Twitter

If you're interested in following this important mile-long redevelopment of the North Minneapolis riverfront more closely, you're in luck! FMR has a special Twitter account just to share updates about the project. >>

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Word about riverfront dumpsite, Area C, starting to spread

From local news articles to word of mouth, Ford Motor Company's toxic waste dump on the St. Paul river floodplain, known as Area C, is gaining more attention. As community awareness grows, so does pressure on Ford and state agencies to study the dumpsite more closely to consider cleanup options. >>

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Upcoming Events

Saturday, February 8, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
FMR's office, near Harriet Island in St. Paul
Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
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