
FMR is proud to be a leading voice in protecting the water of our Big River and all the people and wildlife who depend on it.

From the banks of the Mississippi to the halls of the Legislature, our Water program strives to keep you up to date on important water-quality issues. (For political animals, here are all FMR posts related to legislative advocacy.)

Blog updates are also shared on social (Facebook and Twitter) and in FMR's Mississippi Messages newsletter.

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Minnesota approves historic bonding bill

On October 15, the Minnesota Legislature achieved a breakthrough for the state’s economy and public health with the passage of a $1.8 billion bonding bill that includes more than $302 million for water infrastructure supported by FMR as part of the Fix the Pipes MN alliance. Sadly, it also includes a project we strongly oppose: the Upper Harbor Terminal concert venue in Minneapolis. >>

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Minnesota gets a bad report card for nitrate reduction (part one)

In the first of a two-part series, we’ll look at the results of the state’s recent nutrient reduction report card. The results are ... not good.  >>

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Action Alert: Invest in clean water & oppose the UHT concert venue [CLOSED]

Please take a moment to ask your legislators to SUPPORT investments to #FixThePipesMN and OPPOSE the controversial Upper Harbor Terminal concert venue >>

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Choose the winners of the great FMR Kernza bake-off!

You know we're serious about clean-water crops like Kernza, but we're also pretty serious about baked goods. Check out the entries and cast your vote in our virtual bake-off by the end of October.  >>

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State’s Groundwater Protection Rule now in full effect

As noted in a recent MPR News story, Minnesota farm operators will no longer be allowed to apply nitrogen fertilizer in the fall or on frozen ground above Minnesota’s most vulnerable aquifers. While that means cleaner drinking water for many Minnesotans, this rule alone won't solve our nitrate pollution problems.  >>

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State & Strib connect the dots between crops and water health

The Star Tribune recently covered a report that underscores the connection between water quality and the need to alter what we plant in Minnesota's farm fields. But this report wasn't issued by the usual suspects — now the state is actively calling for profitable clean-water crops.  >>

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A seagull made of plastic: The threat of plastics in our waters

Audrey, a summer Youth Empowerment Program participant, wanted to make the threat of microplastics in freshwater visible through art. She crafted her seagull sculpture using plastic she found during just half an hour at a Lake Superior beach.  >>

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MPCA report: The Upper Mississippi's upstream crud

A new report from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency finds that the Upper Mississippi River from Grand Rapids to Brainerd is impaired with too much sediment. What can we do about it?  >>

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State Supreme Court rules on White Bear Lake water levels

The Minnesota Supreme Court made headlines as it acted to protect not only the metro's second-largest lake but Minnesotans' ability to sue a state agency based on its cumulative environmental impact. >>


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Pinelands-to-potatoes fiasco heads to court

A controversial attempt by of a Fargo-based agribusiness giant to skirt Minnesota‘s environmental laws is going to court – and the stakes are huge. >>

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Upcoming Events

Tuesday, August 13 OR Thursday, September 12, 2024 - 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Dual Citizen Brewing, St. Paul
Flexible! Now through mid-October
St. Paul
Three options: August 15, September 17, October 5, 2024
Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul