
State’s Groundwater Protection Rule now in full effect

As noted in a recent MPR News story, Minnesota farm operators will no longer be allowed to apply nitrogen fertilizer in the fall or on frozen ground above Minnesota’s most vulnerable aquifers. While that means cleaner drinking water for many Minnesotans, this rule alone won't solve our nitrate pollution problems.  >>

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State & Strib connect the dots between crops and water health

The Star Tribune recently covered a report that underscores the connection between water quality and the need to alter what we plant in Minnesota's farm fields. But this report wasn't issued by the usual suspects — now the state is actively calling for profitable clean-water crops.  >>

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Pinelands-to-potatoes fiasco heads to court

A controversial attempt by of a Fargo-based agribusiness giant to skirt Minnesota‘s environmental laws is going to court – and the stakes are huge. >>

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Dead zone 2020: The good, the bad and the algae

A smaller-than-average Gulf of Mexico dead zone is cause for celebration — isn't it?  >>

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Dust in the wind (spreads toxic algae)

Pristine lakes in remote parts of Minnesota — and around the country — are beginning to suffer from blooms of toxic algae, and scientists are piecing together a troubling answer as to why.  >>

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Potato fiasco turns even more rotten

According to new disclosures, an enormous scofflaw corporation is trying to skirt basic environmental regulations in order to make billions on ... potatoes.  >>

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Minneapolis parks are getting the wrong kind of blooms

The Parks Department is warning of potentially toxic algae blooms in some of Minneapolis's most-loved lakes. Here's what you need to know.  >>

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Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Rotary Pavilion at Levee Park, Hastings
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Mississippi River Gorge, Minneapolis
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Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul