Updates and Articles

Agency rulemaking attack take three! Now with suspension of river phosphorus standards!

In yet another attack on state agency authority, SF 1283 requires legislative approval of most state water quality rules and standards and suspends Minnesota’s hard-won river phosphorus standards pending legislative approval.

SF 1283 (Newman, Ingebrigtsen, Utke, Eken, Tomassoni)
Status: Introduced and referred to Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Legacy Finance

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Agency rulemaking attack take two!

Another bill has come forward at the Minnesota legislature aiming to undermine environmental rulemaking by state agencies.
SF 769: (Kiffmeyer)
HF1285: (Pugh)

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Bill to eliminate Environmental Quality Board, rollback environmental review brought forward.

A bill recently introduced in the Minnesota Legislature aims to make dramatic rollbacks to Minnesota’s environmental review and permitting processes while eliminating the Environmental Quality Board.

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Buffer rollbacks persist at legislature

A handful of rollbacks to Governor Dayton’s landmark 2014 Buffer Rule continue to capture legislative attention at the Minnesota Capitol this session.

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Welcome Daurius, FMR's new outreach assistant!

A hearty welcome to Daurius Mikroberts! With so much energy, enthusiasm and experience, Daurius is sure to be a great addition to both the FMR office and our outdoor volunteer and education events. 

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Daurius Mikroberts
Nature Notes: A murder most fowl

As dusk approaches on a cold winter night, Twin Cities residents may notice an unusual number of crows flying overhead. Each winter, they show up by the thousands to roost in metro neighborhoods. While the gatherings may seem ominous to some, they serve an important purpose for these intelligent birds.

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Bill seeks to have judges, not experts, determine MN's water policies

Water quality standards must be based on expert science and public input. We need to reject rulemaking by judges and oppose this legislation.   

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House bill aims to replace the Legacy Amendment

A bill introduced by Republican Rep. Steve Green (Fosston) would require the state to conduct a new referendum to replace the Legacy Amendment with funds for a narrow list of highway and bridge projects and bar Clean Water Fund spending on most clean-up and restoration projects.

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Bill seeks to strip MPCA and DNR rulemaking authority and sunset all existing rules

Under H.F. 551, the MPCA and DNR would no longer have any rulemaking authority and all their existing rules would expire by 2022 unless the Minnesota legislature chose to enact them. The bill likely precedes others that will seek to give the legislature veto power over agency rulemaking, a move that will deny the public a voice in regulatory decisions.

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Opponents of Minnesota's buffer law claim it's an unconstitutional taking. It's not.

Legislators and testifiers opposed to Minnesota's buffer law continue to claim that the law is unconstitutional because it constitutes a government taking of private property without just compensation to the property owner. These claims are incorrect and misleading. The law would only be unconstitutional if it denied property owners every and all reasonable use of their land.

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New date: February 15, 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
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