Updates and Articles

Bill seeks to strip MPCA and DNR rulemaking authority and sunset all existing rules

Under H.F. 551, the MPCA and DNR would no longer have any rulemaking authority and all their existing rules would expire by 2022 unless the Minnesota legislature chose to enact them. The bill likely precedes others that will seek to give the legislature veto power over agency rulemaking, a move that will deny the public a voice in regulatory decisions.

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Opponents of Minnesota's buffer law claim it's an unconstitutional taking. It's not.

Legislators and testifiers opposed to Minnesota's buffer law continue to claim that the law is unconstitutional because it constitutes a government taking of private property without just compensation to the property owner. These claims are incorrect and misleading. The law would only be unconstitutional if it denied property owners every and all reasonable use of their land.

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Our 2017 legislative priorities

Water issues will once again be a hot topic during this year's legislative session. While Gov. Mark Dayton has made water a priority, House and Senate majority parties have signaled intentions to roll back policies and funding essential to protecting Minnesota’s rivers, lakes and streams.

Without a doubt, defending against these rollbacks and securing much-needed funding for critical water infrastructure will be our top priorities during the 2017 legislative session. 

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Governor’s 2017 bonding proposal: $270 million for clean water & habitat

On January 4th, Gov. Mark Dayton and Lt. Gov. Tina Smith announced their 2017 bonding proposal. Dubbed the “Jobs Bill,” the proposed $1.5 billion package includes much-needed investments in the Minnesota’s water resources, including drinking water and wastewater infrastructure for communities across the state. Here are some of FMR's top bonding or funding priorities. 

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Nature Notes: Misty mornings on the Mighty Miss

Ever wonder why there's a wintry mist on the water in the morning, but not later in the day? Even when it's still quite cold?

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Mist rising from the Mississippi on a cold December dawn
Out of the classroom and into the weeds, woods ... and worms?

High school senior Clare Tipler shares her adventures working with FMR and her environmental studies class and the surprising lessons learned along the way.

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Clare shows off the large ragweed plant she pulled out of the native planting at Crosby Farm Park.
Big news: Bluffs, shorelines and scenic views protected!

At long last, new State of Minnesota rules are now in place governing land use and development along the metro stretch of the Mississippi River, a.k.a. our local national park! While allowing for growth and redevelopment, the new rules protect the metro riverfront's natural, scenic and cultural treasures. 

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The Mississippi River Gorge from St. Paul by Jim Hudak
Mystery building near Lake Street Bridge to reduce odors, but stands to be improved

A number of Mississippi Messages readers have contacted us since the leaves fell from the trees about a new building on the river located just north of Minneapolis' Lake Street bridge. We investigated and have some answers, as well as several related questions and concerns.

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Post-election reflection: We're ready for 2017

As always, FMR is ready to vigorously protect the Mississippi River and its water quality in 2017. During this season of gratitude and resolutions for the new year, here's how you can help us safeguard our successes.

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Snowfall at Pine Bend Bluffs Scientific and Natural Area.


Upcoming Events

Three options: August 15, September 17, October 5, 2024
Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul
Thursday, September 26, 2024 - 6:00pm
Nicollet Island Pavilion, Minneapolis
Friday, September 27, 2024 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Vermillion River Linear Park, Hastings