
Northside faith leaders: Police brutality, Upper Harbor Terminal share same racist legacy

Seven faith leaders from North Minneapolis have submitted a powerful letter to elected leaders outlining how police brutality, land ownership and Upper Harbor Terminal are connected. They state, "The killing of Black and Brown bodies by the police is directly connected to the history of the United States' quest for land and profit... The proposed Upper Harbor development in North Minneapolis continues to perpetuate this injustice."  >>

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Action Alert: Justice can't wait. Support police reform. [CLOSED]

As Minnesota legislators embark on a second special session, we're once again asking you to stand up for the voices of Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) by supporting the Minnesota Legislature's 19-member People of Color and Indigenous (POCI) Caucus justice reforms >>

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Dakota County ponders pathways for conservation

Last spring, Dakota County put together an exciting plan to conserve up to 40,000 acres important to our communities, wildlife and waters. Dozens of you voiced support for the plan to the county commissioners who are now considering whether and how to fund the effort. Sign up to stay in the loop.  >>

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Area C solar project could jeopardize dumpsite cleanup

A planned solar array on top of the Ford Area C dumpsite sounds appealing, but poor timing for the solar project could jeopardize cleanup of the toxic site. Our recent letter in the Highland Villager explains why we're concerned.  >>

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Action Alert: Pass a clean Environment Trust Fund Bill [CLOSED]

Tell your legislators to pass a standalone environment trust fund bill. >>

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Is Upper Harbor Terminal Minneapolis's best rebuilding idea?

Our concerns about state bonds for Upper Harbor Terminal are nothing new (see the video above from Fox 9 in late 2019). But in light of recent events, we're more concerned than ever. Is public funding for First Avenue's privately-operated concert venue at Upper Harbor Terminal still a priority for Minneapolis leaders? Learn more and take action now. >>

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A call for justice, equity and inclusion in our 2020 special sessions

At FMR, we believe that the Mississippi River belongs to all of us. As long as people of color live in fear of police violence and are made to feel unwelcome or unsafe in public spaces, the river does not belong to them. That must change. And we need to support this change during Minnesota's special session. Learn more and take action >>

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Tuesday, August 13 OR Thursday, September 12, 2024 - 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Dual Citizen Brewing, St. Paul
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St. Paul
Three options: August 15, September 17, October 5, 2024
Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul